Kiniro no Corda 2 Forte Mini Figure

Kiniro no Corda 2 Forte Mini Figure
Release Date: Early December 2010
Price: 630 yen each

  1. 土浦梁太郎
  2. 志水桂一
  3. 火浦和樹
  4. 柚木梓馬
  5. 加地葵
  6. 金澤紘人
  7. 王崎信武
  8. 吉羅暁彦
  9. 衛藤桐也

More info here.

One Piece World Collectible Figure Vol. 6

You would have expected the series to square up the remaining Supernovas but they made such a huge quantum leap to the past to the starting point of all these.
